Risk Management |
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If you ignore a risk, you are already taking it |
No matter how well you plan ahead, nothing ever seems to go according to plan. Risk
management improves program management results by ensuring that risks are identified and
proactively managed through the life of the program.
According to Systems Engineering Support Office Chief Mike Zsak, from
the U.S. Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition and Technology): |
"Risk Management is a program management responsibility and is the act or practice of
controlling the risk drivers that adversely affect the program. It includes:
- the process of identifying, analyzing, and tracking risk drivers,
- assessing the likelihood of their occurrence and their consequences,
- defining risk-handling plans, and
- performing continuous assessments to determine how risks change
during the life of the program."
key to successful risk management is the use of a proven and documented process.
The PBSi Risk Management Process has been applied to
hundreds of projects, ranging from shipbuilding to worldwide information technology
projects. |