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Business Continuity

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Business Continuity Management keeps your business going
when disaster strikes

Business Continuity Management (BCM) is a  process designed to reduce the risk that disruptive failures or events could seriously harm your critical business functions.

It is designed to safeguard your business by ensuring the continuity of a reasonable level of service for critical business functions, achieving a smooth return to normal operating conditions when the crisis is over, and realizing the benefits of lessons learned programs.

The process is described in Business Continuity Process and the preferred response to a disaster is illustrated by the graphic.                                

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click thumbnail to enlarge.

The following table suggests four levels of preparedness for a disaster. 

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Level #

Recovery Posture Outcome


Transparent The critical functions are recovered within the mandated period, and full capability is resumed within time-lines such that business performance is only briefly interrupted


Managed The critical functions are recovered before the situation becomes a crisis, but takes longer than the Recovery Time Objectives. Business performance is disrupted.


Uncontrolled Recovery of critical functions can be achieved, but in a time frame that results in the business performance being seriously compromised


Catastrophic Recovery of Minimum Level of Service (MLS) is not possible within any time frame that can prevent the collapse of the business itself.


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