Business Continuity
Process |
out the business continuity
Resource Page |
Planning for business continuity through serious disruptions is not an
option. |
The PBSi Business Continuity Planning Process emphasises a structured methodology that
starts with the identification of Critical Business Functions, and their dependence on
other functions and capabilities. Judicious selection of Critical Business Functions
reduces the cost of maintaining business operations, and focuses attention on areas where
scarce continuity budgets can best be used.
Business Impact AnalysisBusiness continuity planning starts with evaluating your business. What
functions does your business perform to deliver its product or service? Which of these
functions are critical to your business? For each of your critical business
functions :
- what is the minimum level of service at which further
degradation or loss of service is unacceptable.
- how long can you wait to restoratr the minimum level
of service and full restoration of the service.
- what supporting functions, assets, services,
infrastructure elements and external dependencies are required to deliver the
minimum level of service.
These comprise your business critical vulnerabilities, and
constitute the basis of your contingency planning to restore the minimum level of service
within the critical time. |
Contingency and Business
Restoration PlanningContingency plans are
developed for critical failures (both internal and external)
based on strategies you develop for protecting the business function from failure. These
contingency plans are designed to restore a minimum level of service until the situation
is stabilized.
Business restoration planning is the plan you make to return to
normal operations once operations are stabilized at the minimum level of service. |
Testing and Training With the
Contingency Plans
Personnel need to be trained in reponding to a crisis and the contingency plans need to be
tested. |
Crisis Response PlanA crisis response plan is developed to define how the organization will
respond to a crisis. Crisis response usually steps outside of the bounds of normal
organizational process and methodology. |
Business Continuity PlanAn enterprise wide Business Continuity Plan is written based on the business
impact analysis, the contingency plans, the recovery plans and the crisis management
approach. |